UX Design

How to improve Accessibility 

By May 2, 2019 September 11th, 2019 No Comments
elderly couple walking

Offer Consistent and Proactive Alt Text 

  • Keeping alt length to 50 characters max
  • Specificy alt=”” on each image on each spacer image

Enable content Access

  • Provide close caption for all video content
  • Provide better headings / structure
  • Provide ARIA

Make navigation + Content Access less tedious

  • Address usability issues (like contrast and size of a design affordances) eg collapse/expand.
  • Follow Navigation best practices – header text and header structure (for sites and documents is classic.)
  • Underline hyperlinks

Popular Automated Checkers for Accessibility

– Wave link here
– aXe from Deque link here

Best practices for accessibility

  • Html tag needs lang attribute
  • Zooming should not be disables on mobile.
  • Top level menu items need to be ARIA standard
  • Multime inputs are share the same “id” attributes
  • Labels and alt text on every input needed
  • All <a> tag need discernible text
  • iFrames need titles
  • Search forms need submit buttons
  • Images need alt text
  • Pop ups need legend tags
  • Pop ups need proper fieldset tags.

Types of accessibility

Perceivable: information and user interface components must be presenting to users in ways they can see or hear.

Operable: User interface components and navigation must be designed so that users can interact with them and they can support assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Understandable: Information and the operation of user interface must communicate clearly and consistently so that the content is readable.

Robust: Content must be written so that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

ATAG Authoring guidelines: https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/


Tony Garand

Author Tony Garand

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